Introduction To Game Design & Programming in GameMaker Studio 2
Introduction To Game Design
GameMaker Studio 2
©2019 Ben Tyers
Special Thanks to The Following, Who Pre-Ordered This Project & Made It Possible:
Michał Kamiński
Corey Cuhay
Pedro Santos
Mark Porter
Dean Radcliffe
Mickey Everett
Mike Cowel
Gaven Renwick
Thanks Also to The Following People:
Yellow Afterlife – Thanks for your help
Nathan Brown
Loukas Bozikis
Alesia Buonomo
Kehran Carr
Arik Chadima
Rom Haviv
Zachary Helm
ISBN: 9781795199537
Copyright 2019 © Ben Tyers
First Edition
If you find any issues of problems with this book (such as omissions or mistakes) please drop me an email:
Educational Use
I am more than happy the this or material from it being used in an educational setting, such as schools or clubs. As an educator, I am sure you appreciate how much effort and time goes into making a book such as this, therefore I ask that one copy is purchased (ebook or paperback) for every 10 students using it. If you have any questions, please email:
Graphics In Main Chapters:
All Audio In Main Chapters:
Assets are not needed to enjoy this book
If you wish to make the game covered in this book, you can access assets from the above sites.
No assets are included with this book project, except for Chapter 7 Introduction, which is optional, and the appendix.
Chapter 7 Introduction Project:
Heart: cdgramos cc0
Monster: cc0
Appendix 4 Cloud BananaOwl / CC-BY 3.0
Appendix 4 Gun sight Lucian Pavel / CC0
Appendix 6 Brick and ball Zealex / CC0
Appendix 7 Rotating coin Puddin / CCO
Appendix 7 Character rileygombart /
Appendix 7 Horse reivaxcorp / CC-BY 3.0
Appendix 9 Audio
Appendix 12 Songs
Appendix 13 Car sheikh_tuhin!
Rock - Jasper / CC0
Appendix 15 Bird / CC0
Appendix 20 Chess Sprites: mr0.0nerd :
Appendix 21 Crosshair: Red Eclipse / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Appendix 21: Sounds:
Appendix 22: Cards
Includes text taken from Wikipedia, some of which is edited CC-BY 3.0
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You can download resources & completed project here:
Game Resources
Main Book Contents
About GameMaker
Chapter 1 Starting With An Idea
Initial Idea
Infinite Scroller – Survive as long as you can
Parallax Backgrounds – Give a sense of depth to the game
Moveabe Player – Move the player and allow to shoot weapons
Basic Enemy – Moves across the screen
Advanced Enemy – Moves in circular path and shoots at the player
Boss Enemy – Formiddable enemy
Multiple Weapons – Player can collect upgrades to their weapons
Set Health – Player has set amount of health, game over when all lost
Highscore System – Save and display the player’s best score
Game Aim – Survive as long as possible and get the highest score
Chapter 2 Initial Planning & Preparation
Chapter 3 Software & Financing
Working with Different Budgets
Cost of software
Free Graphics Software
Paid Graphics Software
Free Audio Software
Paid Audio Software
Pre-Made Graphics
Free Graphics
Paid Graphics
Ways of raising funds
Crowd Funding
Social Media
Steam Early Access
Chapter 4 Game Assets
Chapter 5 Refining Resources
Chapter 6 Beta Testing & Debugging
Beta Testing
Graphics are too large
Not responsive enough
Too easy
Player weapons are too slow
HUD is not in keeping with the rest of the game
Aspect ratio should be changed
Collision masks are impresise
GUI life and dots not in keeping with game style
To visually show damage to player
Chapter 7 Programming
Programming Introduction
Game Programming
Chapter 8 Final Testing
Chapter 9 Publishing & Game Promotion
Social Media
YoYo Games Forum
Google Play
Chapter 10 Summary
Target Audience
Working as a Team
Useful Links
Crediting Creators
Educational Use
Where Next
Appendix 1 Variables
Appendix 2 Conditionals
Appendix 3 Drawing
Appendix 4 Drawing Continued
Appendix 5 Keyboard Input & Simple Movement
Appendix 6 Objects & Events
Appendix 7 Sprites
Appendix 8 Health, Lives & Score
Appendix 9 Mouse
Appendix 10 Alarms
Appendix 11 Collisions
Appendix 12 Rooms
Appendix 13 Backgrounds
Appendix 14 Sounds
Appendix 15 Splash Screens & Menu
Appendix 16 Random
Appendix 17 AI
Appendix 18 INI Files
Appendix 19 Effects
Appendix 20 Loops
Appendix 21 Arrays
Appendix 22 DS Lists
Appendix 24 Scripts
A note from the author:
You are about to learn the basics of GameMaker Studio 2, and potentially start a career in game making.
This book is an introduction to the game making process, an introduction to GameMaker Studio 2, and other considerations when making your first game.
GameMaker Studio 2 is a powerful piece of software for making games. This book only covers the basics, but is a great place start.
Best of luck with you game making endeavours,
Over the last ten years or so I have written many books on game programming and have completed over two-hundred game projects. During that time I have learnt GML coding to a reasonable level, and have picked up many skills, tips and tricks and methology for making games in GameMaker & Game Maker Studio 2.
The purpose of this book is to provide you with some of the knowledge that I have acquired. I make no claim that I’m the best coder or designer, but I do have a proficient understanding that I would like to instil on other budding game makers.
Through my website, I set up a number of polls and gained feedback on what game to make and which graphics to use, in total over 500 people have voted on my site, and chose a side-scrolling war zone themed shooter. Thanks to everyone who voted. This book covers my approach to make said game.
Unlike previous books of mine that focused mainly on the actual GML code, this book covers the full design progress, with some code thrown in. It focuses on:
Starting With An Idea
Initial Planning & Preparation
Software 7 Financing
Game Assets
Refining Resources
Beta Testing & Debugging
Final Testing
Game Promotion
Additional Considerations
+An Appendix Of Commonly Used GML Coding
I will be the first to admit that the process of making a game is dynamic and fluid, and as such may not follow the order above. This will change depending on your level on GML, whether you have made a similar game before, the genre, and the complexity of the game. That said, the above order is a great place to start.
So, you have GameMaker Studio 2 installed. Let’s start it up and start making a game. Then again, let’s not. Jumping straight in is a bad idea, not least for the following reasons:
You have no idea at this stage what the game will be about
You have not yet decided on the look of the game
You have no idea what the objects will be and how they will interact
Jumping in blindly will make the whole game creation process more difficult for you
You will come up with extra ideas for the game, and adding them when the basic game has been made will make this confusing and difficult
That said, if you just want to create one game element to see what it looks like, or how a certain feature works, or basic player movement, I consider that perfectly OK. Attempting the whole game with no planning is a big no-no, especially if you are quite new to GameMaker or the game making process.
GameMaker Studio 2 is a very powerful and adaptable software for making 2D games, I would go as far as to say that if you can make pretty much any 2D game that you can think of.
Game Resources
This game will consist of graphics and audio from a couple of sites, due to licensing restrictions I can’t provide them as a download, but I will include a link so you can access them should you decide to make the game covered in this book. The main focus of this book is on the design and programming considerations, with some of the more prominent coding dissected and explained. You will not need the assets to enjoy this book.
All game graphical assets used in the main game are from the great website If you wish to remake the game made in the book, you can access the assets directly from this site. The site does have several free assets, so you can swap them in instead of using purch
ased assets if you are working on a low budget.
Main Book Contents
The main areas covered in the book are:
1 Starting With An Idea
This section covers what you need to do with your initial ideas and how to take them forward.
2 Initial Planning & Preparation
Take your ideas forward, design the basic game layout, what objects will be present, and how they will interact.
3 Software & Financing
Software and resources cost money, this chapter covers some of the options available when funding your game.
4 Game Assets
Possible design issues, and how to tweak your ideas.
5 Refining Resources
Setting up and editing resources so they are ready for your game,
6 Beta Testing & Debugging
Testing the game, fixing bugs, and implementing feedback.
7 Programming
Covers some of the coding required to implement aspects from your game design. This also covers a way to make the game in small chunks, so you can test it as you go.
8 Final Testing
Polishing off the game and making it ready for publication.
9 Publishing & Game Promotion
Where to publish your game.
10 Game Promotion
Summary of the book.
About GameMaker
(Edited From Wikipedia) CC-SA 3.0
GameMaker Studio (formerly Animo until 1999, Game Maker until 2011, GameMaker until 2012, and GameMaker: Studio until 2017) is a cross-platform game engine developed by YoYo Games. I’m showing my age here, but vagely remember Animo, and have followed it’s progression since then.
GameMaker accommodates the creation of cross-platform and multi-genre video games using a custom drag-and-drop visual programming language or a scripting language known as Game Maker Language, which can be used to develop more advanced games that could not be created just by using the drag and drop features. GameMaker was originally designed to allow novice computer programmers to be able to make computer games without much programming knowledge by use of these actions. Recent versions of software also focus on appealing to advanced developers.